Vectorworks Roadmap

Skrevet 23.2.2022

Vectorworks planer for fremtiden…

Hvis du er intressert i at se hvad Vectorworks planlægger for de kommende opdateringer, så check Vectorworks offentlige roadmap


Lidt inspiration fra siden:

  • Shading Rendering Improvements
    More than eight lights, renderings closer to presentation quality. (Scheduled)
  • Datasmith Direct Link Tool 2.0
    Sticky sync button allows user to make changes continually without visiting the tool to sync. (Scheduled)
  • Offset Edge and Push/Pull enhancements
    A new tool will be added to offset edges of planar and non-planar faces. Push/Pull mode will be added to provide push/pull behavior as soon as edges are offset. Existing Push/Pull tool will be enhanced to support non-planar faces. (Scheduled)
  • Cabinet and Countertop Tools
    Modernization and addition of functionalities. (In Development)
  • Inventory
    Combining various inventory systems into one and expanding on reporting functionality. (In Development)
  • Plant Data
    Better integration of plant data in the design and documentation workflow. (In Development)
  • Home Screen
    New interactive home screen on Vectorworks launch. (Active Research)

Se hele Vectorworks officielle roadmap her.

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